Sunday, July 1, 2007

June 22 – Slependen

Once again, it is a privilege to be waking up in Ragnhild and Ander´s home in Slependen. It is a busy household today, everyone going in different directions. John and I were part of the late shift for breakfast.

This was the day to return our SKODA to Hertz so after doing a couple of errands, we found our way in the rain to Sandvika and dropped it off. Our little car certainly did us well during the past three weeks. All went smoothly with the drop off and we ”confessed our sins” about missing one toll outside of Trondheim.

The rest of the day was spent quietly with John and I making a first pass at choosing some photos that we hope to be able to show folks here before we leave to go back to Canada. Wow, we’ve taken a lot of photos!

It is the end of the school term here today so Ragnhild and Tonje are now on holiday! Tonje has gone ahead, with two friends, to the family ”hytte” near Sandefjord. We will join them there later tomorrow for ”Mid-Summer`s eve”. It was a full table at dinner tonight, Are, son of Ragnhild and Anders and his girlfriend, Lina, from Trondheim (Molde), were here as were Ragnhild’s and Anders’ other daughter, Marit, and her boyfriend, Bjornar. Everyone pitched in making the delicious dinner of salmon, new potatoes, cucumber salad and strawberries and cream.

After dinner, Ragnhild and Anders and John and I took a walk in the rain. We went to an area in the green belt surrounding Oslo to the place where they have often celebrated the 17th of May with good friends. We could imagine the good times that have been had around a fire pit in the meadow over the years. This area is also tracked in the winter time for cross country skiing and is wonderful to have it so close to Slependen.

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