Thursday, July 5, 2007

July 1 - Canada Day and Hytte Time

Our ‘Canada Day’ began with two special greetings, one from Kara by phone from the West Coast of Canada and the other from Mari in the Oslo area … both nice surprises.

After a relaxed breakfast and multiple cups of coffee, we prepared for a day hike up the nearby mountain valley and on to the Roulandsfjell plateau. As we left, the weather seemed to be threatening rain, but we escaped it all day. It was a super day, our pace was relaxed and the temperature just right for hiking and the scenery was wonderful all around us. We passed a number of hyttes, some more remote than others, and wandered the trails with the sheep along the way. J We stopped for our lunch by one of the mountain streams and finally reached our goal, a lake up on the plateau. From there, we headed back down again, with one stop for a ‘sheep-nap’ in the sun on a grassy area … a super hike!

Once back at the cabin, it was attending to some of the necessary tasks, including splitting wood for kindling and preparing supper and so on … Fiskebole for dinner tonight and it was wonderful … it hit the spot perfectly. Another evening of some of our Norway photos over coffee and cake … special times with special friends.

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